How Spicy Food Benefits Your Body

Spicy food gives a distinct taste to food and enhances the flavor, however, it can do much better than that.

Did you know that spices such as red hot chilli peppers, jalapeños and cayenne peppers provide an amazing number of health benefits? So, how do spicy food benefits your health?

How Spicy Food Benefits Your Body

  1. Spicy Foods Promote Weight Loss

Research shows that hot and spicy foods can burn up to percent of fats because they speed up metabolism. When people eat spicy foods they are satisfied with the smaller portions. A Canadian study have found that men who ate an appetizer with hot sauce consumed 200 calories than those who don’t eat hot sauce.

Previous studies had linked consuming red pepper of high doses in tablet form, suppresses appetite and helps burn down calories

3. Spicy Foods Improve Heart Function

Researchers found out that the compound capsaicin lowers bad cholesterol levels and helps reduce the buildup of cholesterol, fights inflammation and increases blood flow through the heart. Thus, reduces the risk of heart attack and stroke.

4. Spicy Foods Prevent Hypertension

Again, capsaicin increases levels of nitric oxide, which relaxes or dilates blood vessel walls and helps stabilize blood pressure. 

5. Spicy Foods Can Fight Certain Cancer

According to the American Cancer Society, capsaicin slows down the growth and spread of prostate cancer cells throughout the body. 


So, are you going to eat your spices now or what?


Image Credits: berkeleywellness, victoryfitnessblogspot, vegetarianplate