Why Eating Fruits On An Empty Stomach Is Good For You

There’s no doubt that eating fruits is important to our overall health and well-being. Fruits are healthy for us, we all know that, but have you ever thought of eating fruits on an empty stomach gives us more good rather than consuming them after meals?

One consumer once asked if there could be a scientific study behind this, and surprisingly, there really was!

Why Eating Fruits On An Empty Stomach Is Good For You

Fruits should be eaten on an empty stomach simply because during this time, our digestive system works faster to digest the fruit. When fruits are eaten alone, our stomach can easily process and absorb all the nutrients, fibers and simple sugars in our body.  This is said to be the proper way to benefit from the fruit we eat.

If we eat fruit close to a meal, especially right after a large meal and combine with other foods, the fruits tend to stay in the stomach for too long along with other foods. The tendency is that, these fruits will rot and ferment in the gut. Therefore, prepare to experience the following conditions: indigestion, heartburn, burping and and other digestive discomforts that we all blame on the meal we ate.Why Eating Fruits On An Empty Stomach Is Good For You



Image Credits: humansofinspiration