What Are The Foods That Cause Heartburn?

Heartburn, that fiery sensation that grabs hold of your lower chest after you eat something you know you shouldn’t have, which typically follows a sour or bitter taste of acid reflux in your throat.

foods-cause-acid-reflux-400x400Reports have shown that heartburn greatly affects 20% of the population every week. It is a painful condition caused by an acid reflux, which happens when stomach acid is released into the esophagus. The stomach acid in return, will eat away at the linings of the esophagus leading to a lasting damage.

When it comes to acid reflux there are certain foods that contributes to the problem.

So, what are these foods that cause heartburn?

What Are The Foods That Cause Heartburn?A recent survey on the National Heartburn Alliance (NHBA) revealed that 92% of frequent heartburn sufferers point to food as the primary cause of their digestive discomfort.

  1. Fatty and Greasy Foods

A big greasy burger and a large portion of chips just before bedtime is a good way to bring on heartburn. Fatty foods, large portions and late-night meals are the top three triggers that affect most people who have heartburn.

2. Spicy Foods

Many people complain of massive heartburn after consuming a spicy dish, whilst others may find spicy food helps calm their chronic heartburn.

But, here’s the real deal! Spicy foods can affect the acid levels in your stomach, creating a more hostile environment that can promote acid reflux. If you find that spicy foods can trigger heartburn, then avoid those in your meals.

3. Caffeine 

A cup of coffee would do fine but several cups a day could trigger heartburn. Caffeine that is found in coffee and soft drinks are highly acidic. It stimulates the stomach to produce digestive acids, thus, makes heartburn symptoms worst.

4. Alcohol

Alcoholic beverages make the list of frequent heartburn offenders because alcohol itself increases acid production in your stomach. It can also relax your lower esophageal sphincter. If consumed in large amounts, alcohol could irritate the linings of your digestive tract and could also halt proper digestion.

5. Citrus Fruits

Lemons, oranges, pineapples, berries, and other citrus fruits are acidic by nature. Apparently, they can cause heartburn because they can increase the acid production in the stomach. 

6. Tomatoes or Tomato-Based Foods

Tomatoes are one of the major trigger factors of heartburn because they are naturally high in acid. Better stay away from pizza, spaghetti, chilli tomato sauce, ketchup and salsa for they could come back and haunt you late at night.

Knowing the foods that cause heartburn, it is very much essential to avoid these foods before it’s too late. REMEMBER: It’s better to be safe than sorry.


Image Cedits: health, myhealthandliving, tums