What Is Hypoventilation Syndrome?

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome (OHS) is a condition that affects some obese people. In OHS, poor breathing results in too much carbon dioxide (hypoventilation) and too little oxygen present in the blood (hypoxemia).

Obesity hypoventilation syndrome is sometimes called Pickwickian syndrome.

What Is Hypoventilation Syndrome?

The exact cause of this condition is actually unknown but doctors believe that OHS results from a defect in the brain’s control over breathing. Excess weight against the chest wall also makes it harder for the muscles to draw in a deep breath and to breathe quickly enough. As a result, the blood contains too much carbon dioxide and not enough oxygen.

People who suffer from Obesity Hypoventilation Syndrome are those who are usually VERY OVERWEIGHT.


Image Credits: livehealthy.chron, fatclinics, anthimus, marketwatch