Shed Off Those Extra Pounds With These 5 Fruits For Weight Loss

Ever heard of water detox that helps you lose a few extra pounds? Well, it can if you eat foods that contain a lot of water, like fruits.

Studies have shown that people who ate high-water-content fruits had lower body mass indexes and smaller waistlines. Researchers say that the water content in these fruits may fill you up right away so you tend to eat less. Fruits are in fact, natural superfoods that contains benefits that help in weight loss. They are high in fiber, contain natural sugar (fructose) and may help keep hunger pangs at bay.

Shed Off Those Extra Pounds With These 5 Fruits For Weight Loss

Here are the 5 fruits for weight loss:

  1. Watermelons

Shed Off Those Extra Pounds With These 5 Fruits For Weight LossWatermelons are your got-to fruits for weight loss. Why? Watermelons are high in water content (90%) and per 100g of serving contain 30 calories. They’re also abundant with amino acids called arginine which helps burn fat. Watermelons in fact, does not only keep you hydrated, it will also keep you satiated for a long time which will result to less intake of unhealthy foods.

Apples are rich in fiber, specially if you also eat the apple’s skin. Apples also has pectin, a mineral that hinders the absorption of fat in the body. More so, apple has high water contents in apple helpful you to flush the toxins. 

An apple is easy to carry around and it makes a great pre-workout snack.


4. Grapefruits

Shed Off Those Extra Pounds With These 5 Fruits For Weight LossGrapefruits cleanse the entire digestive system and help increase the feeling of fullness due to its high water content while providing few calories. Grapefruits also have fat-burning enzymes.

5. Peaches, plums and nectarines

Shed Off Those Extra Pounds With These 5 Fruits For Weight LossA recent study in Texas AgriLife suggests that peaches, plums and nectarines may help ward off metabolic syndrome — a name for a group of risk factors, of which belly fat is a predominant determinant, that increase the risk for obesity-related diseases. These stone fruits reduces belly fat because they contain the powerful phenolic compounds.


Image Credits: janderson99.hubpages, examiner, phillymag, lifecaretips, bellamiemotherofthree