Top 5 Foods That Make You Poop

Having trouble removing your bowels lately? Well, constipation is one heck of a common condition that surely isn’t fun! Each of us has different bathroom habits, but most experts say that three or fewer bowel movements per week could indicate a problem.

Top 5 Foods That Make You Poop

According to Dr. Elizabeth Blaney, a gastroenterologist and a clinical assistant professor of medicine at the University of Pittsburgh, you may wonder why your digestive system is moving slowly and for that, there could be many contributing factors, such as hypothyroidism, IBS, medications, pregnancy, inactivity, stress, dehydration but mainly, it all boils down as to what we’re eating.

So, in order to prevent one from straining inside the toilet, here are the list of foods that make you poop:

1. Broccoli

Eating broccoli on a regular basis is one way to make sure that you don’t get constipated. It’s not only a great way to stimulate your digestion, it provides important minerals like potassium and calcium, while also delivering some protein to help round out your protein intake for the day.

4. Avocados

Avocados are one of the foods that make you poop fast because of their magnesium content. This nutrient helps to soothe muscles, including those responsible for keeping your digestive system running smoothly. They can also help those who have unsteady blood sugar.

5. Beans

Beans are another type of food to help with constipation due to their fiber content. While it is true that beans are a slowly-digested carbohydrate, they improve digestion with their fiber.

With these foods, pooping will always be that easy!


Image Credits: bembu, enkivillage, newhealthadvisor, youtube