Why Stress Causes Acne Breakouts?

Most of us have experienced an acne flare up when stress is on the rise and we’re always trying to figure out why stress causes acne breakouts?

For a long time, doctors have suspected that stress worsens acne, but now that stress and acne connection have supported by a research that described the adverse impact of stress on the immune system.

The skin, being the body’s largest organ, is intricately connected to the rest of our physiology, including the mind. The body responds to stress by directing blood flow and oxygen to areas vital for fighting stress. The skin subsequently becomes starved of blood and oxygen, making it dehydrated, dull, lifeless, and prone to clogged pores and breakouts.

Why Stress Causes Acne Breakouts?According to Lisa A. Garner, MD, FAAD, a clinical professor of dermatology at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center,

When a person with acne experiences a lot of stress, somehow, they’re unregulated”.

This means that more oil is produced to clog the hair follicles to allow more acne to form and give the stressed individual more pimples to pick at.

The best option, however, is to try and remove the stress from your life. As long as you don’t do too much, exercising is an excellent way to reduce your stress levels. It gets your heart pumping and causes more oxygen to flow to the brain which results in a reduced stress response. Three half hour sessions of exercise every week can make a huge difference and will be beneficial in many ways and make sure to always have a good night’s sleep.


Image Credits: homeremedieslog, youtube, imlookingfabulous