What Are Warts?

Talk about warts, an untidy skin condition that suddenly appear on your skin that came out of nowhere. The idea of catching warts from toads is nothing more than an old man’s tale. But many people still have questions about these unsightly and sometimes painful growths. 

So, what are warts?

What Are Warts?

Warts are typically small growths that commonly appear on a person’s hands or feet and sometimes on other parts of the body that look like solid blisters. Warts have rough texture and are caused by viruses, particularly HPV (human papillomavirus).

When the virus invades the outer layer of the skin, usually through a tiny scratch, it causes rapid growth of cells on the skin creating – warts.

According to dermatologist Conway Huang, MD, an associate professor of dermatologic surgery and cutaneous laser surgery at the University of Alabama at Birmingham,

  • wash your hands thoroughly and regularly
  • as much as possible, keep your skin healthy and moisturized to avoid having open cuts or fissures in the skin, which would provide a portal for the virus to get into your skin
  • whenever you hit the gym, make sure that you clean the equipment with a clean towel first before using it
  • it is also essential for you to wear rubber flip-flops or sandals every time you shower


Image Credits: yourteahq, nhs.uk, medicalnewstoday,