Here Are The ‘Must-Know’ Custard Apple Health Benefits

The custard apple is a round heart-shaped fruit which has a sweet taste. It is high in nutrients and delicious in taste. These custard apples are normally used as dessert and nutritious snack. They can also be used in making shakes, smoothies and ice creams. It is, in fact, one of those very few seasonal fruits which are liked by many, from kids to elderly people. But didn’t you know that it is one of the right kinds of fruit to stay healthy.

Here are the reasons why you should consume custard apples:Here Are The 'Must-Know' Custard Apple Health Benefits

  • Custard apples are rich source of vitamin C.
  • It is rich in vitamin A, which is good for healthy skin, better vision and for healthy hair.
  • Custard apples are rich in vitamin B6, which prevents asthma, as the nutrient Vitamin B6 in custard apple helps to reduce the bronchial inflammation and help prevent asthmatic attacks.
  • Custard apple has a rich content of magnesium, it prevents heart attack and can help relax the muscles. Along with this The Vitamin B6 content helps to minimize the risk of heart diseases by preventing the collection of homocytein.
  • Custard apple fruit are rich in copper and have loads of dietary fiber, which is good for holding the digestive tract healthy and aids digestion and stops constipation.
  • Even the bark of the custard apple tree, which comprises of astringents and tannins, is used in making herbal medicines. The leaves of the tree are supposed to be good for healing cancerous disease and tumors; while the bark can ease toothaches and gum pain. 

Here Are The 'Must-Know' Custard Apple Health Benefits

  • If taken during pregnancy, custard apple is helpful in the development of the brain, nervous system and immune system of a fetus. Regular consumption of custard apple during pregnancy reduces the chances of miscarriage and minimizes the extent of labor pain during delivery. It is termed by some as the pregnancy wonder fruit that helps in coping with morning sickness, nausea and mood swings. Custard apple is also helpful in increasing the production of breast milk after the childbirth.
  • Custard apple aids in proper digestion. The dietary fiber and copper in the fruit helps in digestion eases bowel movement and relieves constipation. Custard apple can be sun dried and made into powder. This powder taken with water is helpful in preventing diarrhea.Here Are The 'Must-Know' Custard Apple Health Benefits
  • The niacin and dietary fiber in custard apple helps in lowering LDL cholesterol levels in the blood.
  • Custard apple helps treat anemia. This fruit serve as a stimulant, coolant, expectorant and hematinic. Moreover, the rich iron source is also useful in treating anemia. More so, it is an excellent source of copper which helps the body to form hemoglobin.
  • The symptoms of rheumatism and arthritis can be reduced with help of magnesium in custard apple that equalizes the water balance in the body and removes acids from the joints. It is also helpful in reducing the weakness of the muscles.
  • Custard apple is said to be a good source of vitamin B complex which helps in controlling the GABA neuron chemicals in the brain. Thus, relaxes the mind and helps to calm down stHere Are The 'Must-Know' Custard Apple Health Benefitsress, tension, irritability and depression.
  • It is believed that a paste made with the creamy flesh of the fruit can be used as a balm to treat boils, abscesses and ulcer.


With these custard apple health benefits, a daily in take of this fruit would be very worth it!