Here Are The Best Foods For Upset Stomach

Stomach cramps? Gas? Bloating? Whether it’s a certain food that just didn’t sit well inside you, overeating, anxiety, or a stomach virus, sometimes your tummy just feels icky and when that happens, you need relief. The term “upset stomach” is used to describe a certain cluster of symptoms related to problems found in the intestine and stomach. This health problem can cause the digestive system to become very sensitive so it is important to take care when selecting the best and healthy foods for upset stomach. 

Here Are The Best Foods For Upset Stomach

So, if you’re looking for something to settle your stomach, try eating these foods:


This easy to peel fruit is easy to get, eat and digest whenever your belly feels blah.

Bananas can help firm up your stool,” says Claudia Gruss, M.D., a spokesperson for the American Gastroenterological Association and a practicing gastroenterologist at the Arbor Medical Group in Norwalk, Connecticut.

More so, bananas can even help eliminate the waste of bad foods from your system. But be careful to only eat bananas if the upset stomach is not joined by vomiting.


According to research, rice is an easy-to-digest food that increases the absorption of fluid. Eating some white rice when you’ve had the runs may restore your stool to normal and make your stomach feel better because the starch of the rice is responsible for coating your stomach.

Not only that, rice absorbs acids and gases in the stomach and solidifies stools, ending episodes of diarrhea and an upset stomach.

Herbal Tea

Drinking a warm, herbal tea is a great way to refresh and smooth an upset stomach. Both peppermint and chamomile are great options as peppermint can reduce colon pain and chamomile will eliminate the upset stomach.


Crackers are a great light snack when you have an upset stomach. That is because they can be digested easily and stops you from gurgling. Crackers also help absorb your stomach acids.


After knowing the best foods for upset stomach, keep in mind that certain foods such as: dairy, cruciferous vegetables like broccoli and cauliflower, and even gluten can do a number on your stomach, so you may want to try taking them out of your diet and seeing if your symptoms go away.


Image Credits: prwen, paleoleap, gonnacookthat