‘Chocolate Pudding’ Black Sapote Health Benefits

If you are that type of person who loves the chocolate-y stuff? Well, we have a healthy alternative for you that tastes equally delicious… Behold the black sapote health benefits!

The Black Sapote, is a fruit most commonly known as, “The Chocolate Pudding Fruit”. Anyone who has tried this fruit will tell you that it really does taste very much like that of a chocolate pudding and even has the same consistency too.

  • The black sapote has a good source of vitamin C, copper, iron and contains about 141 calories. Vitamin C plays a very important role in building up our body’s immune system. This enhances our resistance against the multitude of bacteria and viruses around us. Vitamin C is our body’s natural antioxidant, fighting against free radical damage, consequently protecting us against arthritis, heart diseases and cancer.
  • Black sapote contains 350 mg of potassium. As an essential macro mineral, human beings require more than 100mg of potassium every day. Potassium helps build muscle, controls the heart’s electrical activity, and maintains the fluid-electrolyte balance. Potassium is crucial for normal functioning of the cells, which is why the lack of this mineral could cause blood pressure, kidney problems, muscle loss and other related conditions.

'Chocolate Pudding' Black Sapote Health Benefits

  • This fruit is loaded with the antioxidant, tannin. According to research, tannins have astringent properties and are shown to have potential anti-inflammatory, antiviral, anti-bacterial, and anti-parasitic effects.
  • The black sapote, is also considered as an energy boosting fruit. A 100gm serving of the fruit offers you about 80 calories, mainly because of its high carbohydrate content. Who needs energy drinks when you can have a black sapote based smoothie? 
  • The fresh black sapote has a good source of vitamins and minerals such as: calcium, phosphorus, folate, niacin and pantothenic acid, compounds that are essential for optimal health as they involve in various metabolic processes in the body as cofactors for the enzymes. 
Here’s how to eat the chocolate pudding fruit!


To enjoy the black sapote, all you need to do is cut one, twist it into halves (like an avocado), and take out great chunks with a spoon.


Image Credits: simplyorganiclife, odditycentral, criticalmiami