Weight Loss Hypnosis, Effective Or Not?

Are you sick and tired of doing whatever it takes just to shed off those extra pounds but ended up in the same rut every time?

There’s no denying it, trying to lose weight is a lengthy and difficult process but knowing this effortless approach in weight reduction, you might not give up with this type of approach just yet – weight loss hypnosis.

Weight Loss Hypnosis, Effective Or Not?Some of us may have heard about individuals who used weight loss hypnosis in order to achieve fitness, however, does hypnosis effectively promote weight loss?

According to CNN News report, Florida-based certified hypnotist, Rena Greenberg, which is a sugar and carb fan herself, developed the weight loss hypnosis program after her health scare in 1990. After using it to herself, she began endorsing this approach to her patients.

Weight Loss Hypnosis, Effective Or Not?Weight Loss Hypnosis, Effective Or Not?

But through hypnosis, it can condition the subconscious mind to correct its views and relationship with food. It eliminates cravings, reduces hunger and avoids “emotional eating” because we’re changing the part of our mind where these thoughts, beliefs and feelings arise.

Weight Loss Hypnosis, Effective Or Not?However, due to the unpopularity of weight loss hypnosis, there are limited studies about its effectiveness. Some people say that people who undergo hypnosis are actually just harnessing the power of suggestion, which when combined with a powerful desire to change, allows them to achieve their goals of weight loss. Weight Loss Hypnosis, Effective Or Not?

But still, a meta-analysis in 1996, show that this method is a useful tool for weight loss. Researchers found out that participants who used hypnosis, averaged a 15-pound weight loss at the end of treatment. Whilst an average 6-pound weight loss for the participants who didn’t used hypnosis. Study author Irving Kirsch noted that the studies he compared varied in the length of treatment time, ranging from two months to two years.


As an after thought, weight loss hypnosis is a very real and effective method for altering our beliefs and behaviors that helps us get into shape. REMEMBER: Mind over matter!


Image Credits: ralphitness, askthehypnotist, abcnews, genixhealth