Honey vs Sugar: Which is Healthier?

Honey is considered as the world’s oldest sweetener. The health benefits of honey have been noted by many people. Most people use sweeteners everyday so it’s important to learn how honey differs from sugar.

As we all know, honey is regarded as a natural product whilst sugar is a highly processed product, yet both of these sweeteners contain glucose and fructose.Honey vs Sugar: Which is Healthier?

Honey vs Sugar, what are their differences?

In granulated sugar, the glucose and fructose are bonded together, in honey, on the other hand, these components are separated. Fructose is more sweet tasting compared to glucose, and this is why so much fructose is being put into our processed foods today. 

According to research, fructose doesn’t convert to energy very fast like glucose does. Because of this, processed foods that contain high amounts of fructose will be converted to fat more easily than honey. If you are trying to improve your diet or lose weight, you should avoid those kinds of food products.

In addition, in unlike in honey, table sugar lacks minerals and vitamins (the reason why it is called empty calories).  Table sugar draws up the body’s nutrients to be metabolized into the system. When these nutrients are all used up, metabolizing of undesirable cholesterol and fatty acid is impeded, contributing to higher cholesterol and promoting obesity due to higher fatty acid on the organs and tissues.


Image Credits: everwell, fooducate, myvegetablebaby