Can You Get Chicken Pox Twice?

Almost all of us have contracted chicken pox. Those itchy, pus-containing blisters all over our body that are so irritating that we all want get it over with.

But the question is, once you’ve suffered from it, can you get chicken pox twice?

Can You Get Chicken Pox Twice?Chicken pox is a very contagious disease caused by varicella-zoster virus. It is indeed a common childhood illness that most children catch at some point.

Transmission of this disease is through direct contact with the blisters, air-borne and droplet (via coughing or sneezing). Chicken pox appears to be flat, red rashes and itchy spots. It progresses into red raised spots then turned into fluid-filled blisters that spreads throughout the body. When itched, they crust over to form scabs.

Symptoms of C. pox include:

Can You Get Chicken Pox Twice?The virus can recur–but this time the varicella infection is known as herpes zoster (also known as shingles).  This is likely because of the strength of the immune system–weakened immune systems allow it recur.

But if you’re a healthy bud, a second case of chickenpox might occur very rarely.

So, to prevent another relapse of those itchy spots, it is essential to have a zoster vaccine, which allows the immune system to increase its strength against the virus and hopefully prevent shingles. And of course, staying healthy is one way to help decrease the chance of contracting the virus.


Image Credits: obatliveralami,, kidspot, todayifoundout