9 Signs That Will Tell You To Stop Eating Gluten Immediately

Gluten, the protein found in wheat, rye and barley, has been already linked to more than 55 diseases. Reports say that there has been an estimated 99% of people who have either gluten intolerance or celiac disease that are never diagnosed and approximately 15% of the US population is gluten intolerant.

9 Signs That Will Tell You To Stop Eating Gluten Immediately

Gluten can be found in so many different things, from bread, to pancakes, muffins, rice, and even pasta.

Similar to glue, gluten is the component that holds these foods together and there are many studies that suggest that it isn’t good for the body, at least not modern day gluten. In fact, some people can’t even eat gluten at all.

For these people, they either have a difficult time digesting gluten or can’t digest it at all. Known as celiac disease, this gluten intolerance can have adverse effects on the body. Could you be one of them?

3. You have certain neurological symptoms, including dizziness or you feel as if you are off-kilter (imbalanced).

4. You have been diagnosed with an autoimmune disease like Hashimoto’s thyroiditis, Rheumatoid arthritis, Lupus or Ulcerative colitis. These autoimmune diseases are partially the result of your body trying to break down the gluten, even though it can’t.

5. You are experiencing frequent and severe migraine headaches.

6. You have been experiencing constant pain that is not linked to an illness (fibromyalgia) or you have been diagnosed with chronic fatigue syndrome. These diagnosis mean that your doctor is unable to identify what it is that is causing your condition.

7. When you are experiencing serious issues with your mood, including anxiety, depression, mood swings or attention deficit.

8. The development of Keratosis Pilaris, or ‘chicken skin’ on the back of the arms. This happens when the body has a deficiency in fatty acids and a vitamin A, which is secondary to fat-malabsorption, which is a result of gluten doing extensive damage to the gut.

9 Signs That Will Tell You To Stop Eating Gluten Immediately9. You have inflammation, swelling or pain in your joints, your fingers, your knees or your hips.

If you think that you may have gluten intolerance, then it is better to talk it out with your health care provider as soon as possible. He or she will be able to conduct a series of tests in order to accurately diagnose whether or not you unable to process gluten. Although, it’ll take long for the gluten to be removed out of your system, the risk will still remain high if you won’t have yourself check.


Image Credits: naturalmedicinehouse, mindbodygreen, newhealthadvisor