6 Most Beneficial Exercises For Lower Back Pain

Chronic low back pain,affects millions of people each year. It is often caused by a sedentary lifestyle. There are many treatment options available to all those who are having low back pain. One of the most sustainable and effective solutions for eliminating chronic low back pain is the regular practice of back-strengthening exercises.

You may feel like resting, but moving is good for your back. Exercises for lower back pain can strengthen back, stomach, and leg muscles. They help support your spine and relieve back pain.

6 Most Beneficial Exercises For Lower Back PainThere are several simple moves that (when practiced often) can reduce and eliminate low back pain by helping prevent weakness from inactivity and improving the body’s ability to tolerate activity as you get older. Here’s a n outline of the 5 best exercises for lower back pain.

As recommended by the American College of Sports Medicine, you can do functional training like these exercises two to three times per week for 20 to 30 minutes per session. You can do these moves virtually anywhere to strengthen your back and core and support your lower back.

  1. Decompression Breathing

6 Most Beneficial Exercises For Lower Back Pain

2. Founder To Forward Fold 

6 Most Beneficial Exercises For Lower Back PainThis move is called a founder because it’s setting you up for success in building your core strength. If a full founder puts too much tension on your lower back, try doing a modified founder with your hands back behind you.

The goal is to reinforce good movement patterns. Use props (like a chair) or modify the full move if it helps you keep a neutral and stable spine.

3. Modified Founder 6 Most Beneficial Exercises For Lower Back Pain

From the modified founder position, inhale and reach your arms out in front of your heart, keeping your hips back and pressing your fingertips together, with the pinkies pressing in the hardest. Slowly lift the arms all the way up, and keep the core pulled in to maintain a neutral spine, then hold for 15 to 20 seconds.

4. Forward Fold 6 Most Beneficial Exercises For Lower Back Pain

From full founder, float the hands down to the ground as you drive your hips back. Unlock your knees and keep the weight in your heels. When your hands are down to the ground (or on a prop, for people with tight hamstrings) pull your hips back, up, and away, reaching your hands as far forward as possible to counterbalance. Hold 20 to 30 seconds.

To stand up, keep your weight in your heels, slide your hands up your shins, and bring your spine into neutral. Sweep the arms back into Modified Founder position. Press the heels into the ground and bring your hips forward to stand up.

5. Adductor-Assisted Back Extension 6 Most Beneficial Exercises For Lower Back Pain

This well-known exercise isolates some of the deeper muscles of the lower back. Add in a little extra support from your inner thighs and some increased activation of the hamstrings, and you’ve got a recipe for building back muscles strong like a superhero’s.

Start on the ground, lying on your stomach. Flex your feet and zip your legs together, keeping just a slight bend at the knees. Press your hips and knees into the ground and lift your elbows up until the hands “float” above the ground. Pull your shoulders down towards your butt while lifting your chest off the ground. Keep your neck long and hold the pose for 20 to 30 seconds.

6. Eight-Point Plank 6 Most Beneficial Exercises For Lower Back Pain

A plank with your elbows and knees on the ground sounds like it should be easy, but this one sure isn’t. Get ready to focus a bit more on your abs to create some serious support for your spine.

Lie on your stomach with your feet flexed, knees touching, and elbows a few inches in front of your shoulders. Pull your shoulders away from your ears, and gently squeeze the knees and elbows toward the centerline of body.

Press the knees, toes, and elbows into the mat as you lift your hips up to the height of the shoulders. Tighten your core and maintain a long, neutral spine. Pull the elbows and knees toward each other (as though you’re trying to bring the top and bottom of your mat together), and hold the plank for 20 to 30 seconds. If you begin to tremble, you’re doing this right.

So, those are the safe exercises for lower back pain. But, always put in mind to ask first a health care professional before doing any exercise for back pain. Depending on the cause and intensity of your pain, some exercises may not be recommended and can be harmful.


Sources: Greatist.com – Beth Alexander

Image Credits: likud.org, pro-tecathlics, diyhealth, greatist