5 Marang Health Benefits You Should Know

Suffering from vitamin and nutrient deficiency lately? Well, worry less and start devouring the flesh of this tropical fruit called Marang.

Marang comes from the Latin name, Artocarpus Odoratissimus meaning sweet odor and taste. This fruit comes from the family of jackfruit and breadfruit. It is basically round to oblong in shape, has a green to yellowish in appearance with soft pines covering as it ripens, and inside is a bunch of pearly white succulent sweet juicy flesh.

The most important aspect of marang is that this fruit is loaded with nutrients good for the body.

5 Marang Health Benefits You Should KnowHere are the 5 marang health benefits one should know:

1. Marang is rich in protein, fat, carbohydrates, ash, calcium, phosphorous, iron, crude fiber, retinol, beta-carotene, niacin, thiamine, riboflavin, Vitamin A and C.

2. The marang fruit is a great source of energy as it contains lots of carbohydrates that eventually breaks down into glucose. It is also packed with protein and fat.


Image Credits: fruit-powered, pinterest, healthybenefits